It's a very common question to a person who don't have "THE JOB". Getting a job maybe easy, but getting a targeted job isn't that easy. A secret behind every successful employee is a simple truth, that is " he loves his job". You may have a job that pays you well, but do you really love the work you do? Well I conducted a research on my facebook page with this question " Do you currently have your dream job ? " response was 75% people no!
This is a sad truth that, many of us does one job and dream about another job. And when you see a job post is open and that could be your dream job, then the first think arrives at your mind is " How can I get the job? ". Well I will answer this question today for you. I will guide you how you can get your dream job.
Knowing Yourself
Well this is a very big thing Knowing Yourself. Basically you will need "Confidence" to get the job you want. And off-course you need to have expertise too. To become confident about the job, you have to know that you can handover the job responsibility easily.
So how you can surely know, If you are able to handle or not? simple follow this steps, you will know yourself -
1. List Job responsibilities in points
2. Under every responsibility, list possible problems you may face to handle that responsibility.
3. Now use your head, take help from friends, do research at Google and write down the solution that you are going to use if you face that problem.
4. Like this write every part of responsibility, possible problem and solution for that.
5. Review the total document and realize you can take 100% responsibility of the job you dream and be confident :)
Experience Sharing
Before you apply for the job, it will be really great if you can talk with a same job holder about how he got the job, what he faced at interview etc. Also convince them to share their experience about how they maintain their work responsibility, how they work, etc. If you don't have any experience, then discussing with experienced persons will help you to face interview like experienced ! So try to do this before you apply.
Optimizing CV
Your CV will present you at the desk of primary selection board. So just like you, your resume will need new dress :) Okay so what is possibly a dress for a CV ? Okay, do you know you look great with new dress ? I'm sure you know :p So what is a dress ? A dress is a cover that makes you look better, but what is truth ? You are same you but with a new better look. Okay, so if you stuck with 1 common CV then you are not going to get the job, you have to change the CV's dress , that is you have to change formatting ;) As like you have party dress, casual dress there is CV's optimized for IT professional, real estate, lawyer etc. Not everyone focus on same thing, example when you will apply for a managerial post, interview board will look for experience fast, when you will apply for a graphics designer post, interview board will look for the portfolio link first ! So you know what thing is important for your job, just focus on highlighting that, and must write something about that in profile overview.
Sometimes removing experience from your CV may help you to get job! What? You think I am mad ? Oh no, here is the deal. Say, you want a job for animator as you know great animation works which you learned from a short course. And you have worked on a music shop part-time earlier.. So do you think, if you add experience as shopkeeper to the CV will increase the chance to get the job? NOOOO ! So while you list your experience on the resume, never add all that you have, only add that is related to the job.
Facing Interview
Congratulation, you have been invited to attend a interview! okay now what? Prepare for the interview. Here is some tips for your interview -
* Wear a dress that is formal and suits you, wearing a tie is not always needed, but if you wear it, it means you are serious about getting this job. It's better to wear a light color dress with a deep color suite. Shoes need be shine as mirror. You can use up some gel to spike up your hair and also can use a transparent eye glass to bring up the "serious dude" attitude.
* Smile & eye contact is a big factor, and one most important fact. There maybe 3 or 4 boss on the interview board, or maybe one. So whatever you have to do it, give a little, very little smile to everyone when you enter to the room, and monitor who also smile in response to your smile. Example, Boss A & C returns smile, and Boss B no expression. So then what you have to do, whenever you talk to Boss A & C, if you can ans the question well, give them a little smile, and be expressionless when eye contacted with Boss B. You have to monitor who speaks, look at him / her instantly and give a smile after he finish speaking and before you speak ( only if he is Boss A or C)
* You have to keep your manner in this way - let them speak first, ask for permission to sit, do not tell lie, if you don't know anything then ans straight sir I don't know, never waste time thinking of ans if you don't know. Every Candidate gets a limited time on interview, so be wise about the time spent.
Let them take time to ask, but you have to be real quick to ans. At interview is held basically to identify how a person handles a situation or what is his manners or how smart he is. Giving all ans doesn't mean you are hired ! Facing a interview smartly means you are hired :)
*A common reason for not getting hired is "over confident", maximum time, when a candidate starts a good interview, he may become over confident and that can lead to great mistakes. So be careful about it.
*A very common question is " So, tell me something about you". You can face this question to, so be prepared about this, and this is a standard ration of telling about us 30% personal info and 70% professional info. So prepare your "about me" right now :)
That's all for today folks :)
Happy Working..